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A blogger is a person who creates and shares articles on a blog, usually made available on the World Wide Web. The content on a blog typically includes commentary, news articles, creative content and so forth. The name originates from webcomic authors using these publications as a method of sharing their work online. In common usage, the term has been largely supplanted by "weblog", which narrows to refer to those blogs operated by individuals without professional writers as opposed to those maintained by organizations or businesses for their employees or members. Whether to publish or not to publish, that is the question which Bloggers are up against. Weblog, over the years has become an effective medium of information sharing and discussing issues. It started as a form of online journal for individuals to share their thoughts with the world. But soon it became a platform for various businesses and organisations to put forth their views on different topics concerning their business or institutions. The blogs are either set up by individuals or organizations for sharing knowledge to others. Blogs differ from web logs in that they use an internet-based publishing platform (such as WordPress) instead of having multiple blogs serving as discussion threads based on specific topics. In the early days of blogging, people used to visit their blog from a web browser, while more recent development have allowed for private blogs to be hosted on a company website. One of the important features of blogs is the ability to comment on a blog post. These comments can be automatically displayed or can be manually displayed. The display of comments on a blog is very useful in increasing the popularity and credibility of the blog. Also commonly used are tags which categorize posts into related topics and allow users to find related posts based on their interests. One of the drawbacks in this is often "flame" wars in which users can disagree and end up insulting each other, causing damage to the reputation of the blog. Newsletters and newsletters are commonly used by bloggers to keep in touch with their readers. These can be purely informative (though they may contain advertisements) or promotional in nature (typically sent directly from advertisers). Newsletters, however, are most commonly used for marketing purposes to promote products or services. Bloggers may also use newsletters to solicit subscribers who do not visit the site regularly and thus would not otherwise be aware of recent posts and updates. Through RSS feeds and feeds readers users can automatically receive information directly into their computers without having to visit the blog itself. As this is done by e-mail, there is also an increased risk of spam. A blogroll is a list of links that sits on top of the page, usually on the right side. The term may be derived from the shape of a roller coaster's track. A blogroll can be used to point to an online directory or directory of blogs where readers may find related blogs to follow. A blogroll can also include information about recently posted entries or most popular entries on a particular blog, providing quick access to content posted by the author. The art of blogging has started attracting many people with different types of interests and expertise in all over the world. cfa1e77820

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